On other notes, Tyler and I exchanged Christmas presents last night.. He got me Harry Potter (YAY), but I asked him for it and it was very expected. BUT he also got me a $50 spa gift certificate!!!! Which, unfortunately, has created a new problem... what to get?!?! They have 4 different pedicures types -- tropical, peppermint, peppermint-lavender, and citrus and honey. But they also have a 30 minute tranquility massage in my price range.. Oh boy, what is a girl to do?!
We started off at TGIFriday's for dinner and then ventured over to the Cape to look at christmas lgihts. They really go all out over in the Cape. It's amazing. It was beautiful and we put Christmas music on in the background to really get us in the mood. Very enjoyable. Then, we went back to my place and opened presents and made a gingerbread house!!!
Tyler starting to make out gingerbread house.. Making sure it all stays together. :)
yes, but it didn't turn out as perfect and adorable as yours looks!