Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nova Southeastern - Jacksonville!

I got another interview!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On my way to school this evening, I got a call and was offered an interview. I have not yet been to the campus, but I'm sure it's similar to the Fort Myers and Orlando campus.
I had some scheduling problems, but got it all worked out. They only have interviews on Fridays and Mondays. However, since the holidays are coming up, they only had one Monday available -- December 6, the next would be January 10th.  I told them I was unable to come that day because I had an interview (hopefully that'll make me look competitive!) Anyways, that left Fridays. I have class in Fort Myers on Thursday nights, usually until about 9ish. I told the lovely lady that I would have to call her back.
So, I called my mom to see how I would manage to get to Jacksonville by 8:30 the following morning. She has it was do-able, just with lots of driving. Thankfully I have a wonderful mother who is willing to help me do anything that needs to be done. She's seriously the best. I called back Nova and told her Dec. 3 would be fantastic.

I purposely chose Dec 3. because that would give me good practice for Orlando. Obviously I will try my hardest to get accepted into both places! I am SO proud of myself  for getting this far. I didn't think that I would be able to get any interviews, let alone two! I thank God for his awesome blessing on my life!

On a side note, please pray for my brother to get a job soon!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nova Southeastern - Orlando!

On Thursday last week, I was called up and offered an INTERVIEW to the Orlando campus of Nova Southeastern! Orlando is my first choice so I am absolutely thrilled and extremely nervous!
Hopefully this will be my school starting in June!!!!

Anyways, I have my interview on December 6. I go in at 8am and I will have an hour to write an essay on the topic of their choice. After the essay, I am given a tour of the campus (mainly the top floor, which houses the PA program). Then, I am given some financial aid information and the group of students are brought to the panel and interviewed at random, one by one. After that, I am free to leave. I will hear if I am accepted, denied, or placed on the alternate list anywhere from instantly to four weeks after the interview.  
If anyone has tips on interviewing, that'd be great =)

 I am SO nervous and
 SO excited.