Sunday, February 28, 2010


I went to a BEAUTIFUL wedding this weekend in Orlando. It was a very memorable weekend and I am glad to have shared the day with them.   I also got to see my friend, Courtney, which I was just absolutely thrilled about. I saw some friends had I hadn't seen in a while (and even got to sit with them for a bit), which was very pleasant. I love catching up.

Tyler and I drove down on Friday afternoon and got to have dinner with Ben (my brother) and my parents that evening -- I L-o-V-e my mom's cooking! Then we just chilled for the evening. I didn't sleep well AT ALL that night though. My niece, Kate, stayed with us and about 1 in the morning, she woke up scared due to Tyler's very, very loud text message that is Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka screaming something (I still couldn't figure it out)...The text message went off every like 9 minutes ALL NIGHT LONG. (Tyler is NOT a light sleeper and didn't hear it...) So, dark and scared, my niece wanted to sleep in my bed with me. Let me tell you right now, 2-yr olds have absolutely no sense of personal space whatsoever, especially when sleeping. So, I didn't sleep. But I did wake up to Blueberry muffins :) 

The next morning, we went out to an early lunch. It was early because we had the wedding to get to, and my parents had to leave because my brother was running a marathon the next morning and they went to stay with him. It was his first (and last, according to him) marathon. 

After the wedding, we drove back home.  It was a very pleasant car ride and Tyler and I had some very good conversation.  AND we got to eat Pizza Hut for dinner (which I haven't had since we broke up because I feel like it'd be a waste ordering the pizza for just me..) He drove the whole way, which was VERY sweet of him. I don't think I could've driven though, I was SO exhausted (and I hate driving, which he knows).  I came home and slept very well :) 

~Here's some pictures of the weekend~

 Getting married!!


Me and Christie. :)

Congratulations Rob and Christie. You make a beautiful couple in Christ and I am honored to be your friend

(On a different note, I have 2 tests and a paper due this week, so pray for me!!!)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Call me a dork...

...but I actually really enjoyed my Organic Lab this weekend (on a Saturday!)

We took a normal Excedrin tablet....
crushed it up into a powder form, and extracted the caffeine, acetaminophen, and aspirin out of it.
It was SO cool.  I am starting to understand why Organic is actually pretty important to medicine. I don't like it any better, but at least it's useful for something :) 

Random Anatomy Fact: The body has 206 bones!
Luckily, I don't have to memorize ALL of them now (I will, eventually), but I do need to know the bulk of them...It's not really hard learning the bones, but learning all the holes, and dips, and processes, and angles and lines and stuff on each bone is definitely hard. We JUST learned it on Saturday and we have a quiz already on Tuesday.. Ugh... Here's a scapula (shoulder blade) and all of it's labels..
I also went to the Edison Festival of Lights on Saturday night, but honestly, nothing was noteworthy about it.. Except it took me 45 minutes to get home.. I live 10 minutes away. 
This week will be uneventful, so don't expect much blogging, but I am for sure counting down the days until Friday. I am heading home for a quick trip for Rob and Christie's wedding. Yay. Congrats to them. :)


 I hope everyone has a really good week!!!
P.S. Hi Josh :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

I should be doing....

You know that feeling when you just DON'T want to study... but you know you have to.
Here's a little snapshot of what I should be doing :)



Here's what I want to be doing :)



(That's Olive Garden, btw, which I am TOTALLY craving right now..)

Unfortunately, although it's the weekend, I have 2 labs tomorrow, so I won't be doing much. Tomorrow night though, I will be going to the Edison Festival of Lights. Hopefully that will be fun. Also... I completely hurt my hip in Pilates yesterday (which I didn't notice until this morning..Ugh). I REALLY hope that the pain goes away soon. :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Weekend O' Fun

On Friday night, I had the fortune of eating at Del Frisco's in a private room. We had steak and lobster (well, everyone else did, I don't like lobster) and crab cakes and just a TON of food. It was delicious!!

Also, on Friday night, Jon "officially" proposed to Kim, with a ring, and she said yes. :) Go to Kim's Page to read about the proposal and see more pictures. It's a cute story. Yay for future sisters-in-law!

Then on Saturday, it was Alexa (my sister in law)'s birthday, and she choose to eat at Colorado Fondue.  It's quite an experience. You start off with bread, and then a salad, and then you get fondue cheese (I got cheddar) and then you get a really really hot rock and raw meat. You cook the meat yourself on the rock and enjoy. Then for dessert you get fondue chocolate. I got mudslide..Kahlua and Irish Creme blended in milk chocolate with crushed Oreo and graham cracker cookies. The chocolate and the strawberries are my personal fave. After dinner, we got a picture with the moose, named Big Al.
(Sorry Josh for blocking you...)

Then, I saw "Valentine's Day" on Valentine's Day with my mom. I was disappointed.. It really wasn't a bad movie, but I don't think I'd recommend it.


The opening credit had 20 main characters!!! It was sort of hard to follow because you would forget about the characters and which story line they were attached to.. and then, of course, everyone knew everyone, and you really had to pay attention...Some of the story lines were not something that I morally agree with, but it's Hollywood. If you see it, make sure you see the bloopers, they were funny :)

Hope you had a GREAT Valentine's Day <3  

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Jennifer Aniston

For some reason, whenever I think of pilates, I think of Jennifer Aniston.
Speaking of pilates, I tried out my first pilates class ever this morning. I. LOVED. it.
Hopefully, I'll become just as toned as Jennifer Aniston :)

I was super nervous going into it, which was silly, according to my mother and Tyler. But, they were right, I had no reason to be nervous. It was great. I saw this girl (rather older than me) walking up to the building carrying a mat, so I got out of my car and befriended her and she was SO friendly and helped me find the class, the mat, the weights, and got me all set up and everything. And her name was Candie. lol. The class was pretty big, but it still felt personalized and relaxing.

I now plan on going every Tuesday and Thursday! I'll be fit and toned in no time! Just in time for summer to roll around and hit the beaches. Now i just need to work on that tan....

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I spoke too soon...

Unfortunately, the flicker of light I saw in a PA shadow opportunity was really just a flash of lightening. He never got back to me ,but I am NOT going to let it get me down. I have another plan, which includes a ton of driving, but definitely more experience :)

On a different note, my mother came and SURPRISED! me this weekend. I was definitely not expecting her, but it was a marvelous weekend spent with her. She arrived, and we went to the mall and we went SHOPPING -- which, as mentioned before, is our favorite activity. We then went and saw Dear John. It was simply fantastic. It really was great, and my wasn't expecting to like it, but she did, yay. After the movie we went out to eat and it was so nice. She also brought Cinnamon (my puppy.. he's staying with them until he's potty trained.. my apt. has ALL carpet. Dogs and carpet don't work well...) It was nice to see him too.

I have a test on Tuesday, so I'll be studying for that until then. I have a quiz in Organic on Thursday, and then on Friday, i go home! It will be my sister-in-law, Alexa's, birthday. Yay for celebrating life. I can't wait. I hope this week goes fast.

Friday, February 5, 2010

A bit of FuN!

I saw this on Brittney's page at Far More Than Rubies and thought it was too cute to pass up. I just LOVE the blogging world. :)

I AM - an aspiring Physician Assistant!!

I HAVE – the most wonderful mother in the whole world!

I WISH – that I could be in Orlando right now.

I WANT – to get all A's in my classes.

I FEAR – not getting into P.A. school.

I HEAR – Gilmore Girls on TV. :)

I WONDER – if 500 Days of Summer is as good as everyone says.

I REGRET – not taking Anatomy and Physiology in high school!

I LOVE – food!

I ALWAYS – follow the rules. Always.

I USUALLY – watch FRIENDS before going to sleep.

I AM NOT – looking forward to taking the GRE.

I SING – in the car to really loud music.

I RARELY – wear heels. They hurt.

I NEVER – will be tall :-\ Sad.

I CRY- at holiday Publix commercials. They get me everytime. [It's really just tearing up,not like serious crying..]

I AM NOT ALWAYS-focused. I tend to get distracted easily. :)

I NEED- to study.