Thursday, June 24, 2010


I may not have mentioned, but my poor computer broke -- the silly cooling fan... So, I took it in to the geeks over at Best Buy and they had to send it off... First off though, lets venture back to June 16, 2009...

About 2 weeks before my hip surgery, my computer (HP) broke, for like the third time... So, I took it also to the geeks over at Best Buy. The week after dropping it off we went on a cruise, and then the next week I had hip surgery. Of course, after my hip surgery, I got aspiration pheumonia and wasn't doing too hot... But the world doesn't stop. Best Buy called me while in the ICU. (Little side note -- my ringtone at the time was Travis Tritt's "It's a Great Day to Be Alive" and rang at its highest volume in a hopsital wing of dying people.. Smart, Bethany...) Anyways, they called me and said that they computer, which was less than 3 years old.. cuz we got the extended warranty, couldn't be fixed and we could get a BRAND NEW ONE. My mom told me, and then I forgot. So, the day I left the hospital, my mom was like "Let's go pick out a new computer.." and I had forgotten and got SO excited and off we went to get a new computer.  I got a Sony Vaio, which has been working out well for me and I like it.

Back to the present. My beloved Sony Vaio broke. I took it in to get fixed. And today they called me and said my computer was ready. So I went in to pick it up and he brought out the computer, sans my computer cord, which had also been sent.  Turns out, Sony LOST my cord and they have to send me a new one, go figure. So, although I have my computer, it is dead with no cord and therefore useless.  Until next week, I am stuck with my dad's computer, which I am incredibly grateful for :)

Perhaps my next computer should be a Mac...

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