Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tuesday Night....

Harry Potter is coming out...Tuesday night. Which means that Harry Potter has been on ALL weekend. I, sad to say, have watched most of them...

I wasn't big into the whole Harry Potter thing when the books actually came out and I remember during the 6th book (i think) when Dumbledore died. I was going to be a sophomore and I was at band camp and EVERYONE was reading it. I had no friends since I was new and for some reason no one wanted to be friends with me so I sat at lunch in the hallway (near everyone hoping that SOMEONE would be one was) and listened to the discussion that was going on about what they think will happen when someone cries (literally) "DUMBLEDORE DIES!!!!!!!" So everyone freaks out and starts talking about it. THEN, someone came up to me and asked me about it, trying to be nice but I said I hadn't read it, and so I was outcast still...

A year or two later, my brother got the books and lent them to me so I could read them. I loved them. I will NOT however be going to see Harry Potter this week or weekened. I hate openeing weekends...I enjoy my movies without hundreds of teenagers and noise..

If you go, let me know how it is :)

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